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Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release is a specialised therapy that affects the restrictions within the fascial network.

Myofascial release provides a sustained gentle pressure with the therapist hands for two to five minutes allowing the fascia to stretch naturally and return to its normal resting length restoring health and providing reduction in tension and pain.

What is the myofascial system?

Myo means ‘muscle’, and fascia means ‘band’.

Fascia is the three dimensional tissue web that surrounds every structure in the body; including ligaments, tendon, bone and organ. After any trauma or prolonged postures tangible layers of fascia put pressure on nerves and muscle, eventually limiting movement and causing pain.

This causes the fascial network to lose its cushioning mechanisms and internal structures get pulled out of line, which can cause pain, reduced range of motion and reduces muscle strength.